Cybersecurity you can understand and use
Why SAFEN exists
Most times, cybersecurity is hard to do.

It is difficult to do what isn't understood. It is difficult to get budget for projects where the value/ROI isn't clear. The rumor mill of what is a good idea is not the best source, and just like one shouldn't trust their health to "Dr. Google," someone shouldn't just look up on the Internet to see what they should do to secure their business.

My training and work experience over the past four decades includes cybersecurity, information assurance (which is more than just computers), information technology, and instructional technology. I can be a double-check on the provider's or staff's plans. I can also evaluate a workforce and the instructional programs the organization may procure to see if there is a training gap, and can develop cost-effective interventions to close those gaps.

For larger projects, I have access to additional consultants.

If there is an interest in the services I offer, please e-mail or phone to discuss the perceived needs.


tel: +1 202-838-6070
P. O. Box 40144
Arlington VA, USA